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Transfer Maid
in Singapore

What is a Maid Transfer?

A maid transfer involves hiring a helper who is already working in Singapore but looking for a new job. This process allows employers to quickly find experienced helpers, bypassing the lengthy procedures associated with hiring new maids from abroad. Transfer maids in Singapore are often available within a week, making this a convenient option for households with urgent needs.

Difference between Transfer Maids and New Hires

Hiring a transfer maid in Singapore differs from hiring a new helper from overseas. Transfer maids are already in Singapore and have experience working in local households, making them familiar with local customs, routines, and possibly possessing specialized skills or language proficiency. This makes them more adaptable and ready to start immediately. Conversely, new hires from abroad require time for travel, work permit processing, and training, which can take several weeks to months.

Conditions of Transfer Maid in Singapore

If You Are the Current Employer

Medical Examination

Ensure the helper has completed her 6-monthly medical examination.

Pay Levy

Continue paying the levy until the new employer issues the Work Permit. The current Work Permit will be automatically cancelled once the new permit is issued, and levy billing will stop.

Approve Transfer Request

Log in to the FDW eService to approve the transfer request from the new employer. Wait for the email notification before logging in to approve it.

Security Bond

The security bond will be discharged one week after the helper starts working for the new employer. You will receive a notification by post.

If You Are the New Employer

Check Medical Examination

Confirm that the helper has completed her 6-monthly medical examination and has a Work Permit valid for more than 30 days.

Receive Outcome

Expect to receive the application outcome within a week. If approved, you will get an in-principle approval (IPA) via email, which you can download from the FDW eService.

Get Permit Issued

Coordinate with the current employer to set a transfer date. On the agreed date, use the FDW eService to issue the new Work Permit and upload the declaration form. Provide the Temporary Work Permit to the helper, allowing her to start working for you. The current Work Permit will be cancelled automatically.

Submit Application

Log in to the FDW eService to request the current employer’s consent for the transfer. Once consent is received, proceed with applying for the helper’s Work Permit.

Prepare for Transfer

Follow the steps on the IPA, including purchasing a security bond, medical and personal accident insurance, and signing the declaration form with the helper.

How to Conduct a Successful Interview with a Transfer Maid in Singapore?

  • Schedule a Face-to-Face Meeting: Arrange an in-person interview to assess the maid directly.

  • Prepare Questions: Focus on her previous work experience, skills, and how well she matches your household needs. Ask about her daily routine, cooking abilities, and childcare experience.

  • Check References: Request references from her past employers to gain insight into her work ethic, reliability, and performance.

  • Discuss Expectations: Clearly outline your expectations, household rules, and job responsibilities to ensure mutual understanding and prevent future conflicts.

  • Evaluate Communication Skills: Confirm that she can communicate effectively in your preferred language to facilitate smooth interaction.


By following these steps, you can successfully hire a transfer maid in Singapore through CK Employment Services, ensuring you find a suitable helper who can adapt quickly and meet your household needs efficiently.

Request a Quote

Preferred contact method
No. of people in household
House type
How many maids are currently employed by the employer?
Reason of hiring maid
Duties for maid
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